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Richard Brooke” Monica’s one time love interest.Ī magnum cartridge is one that is equipped with a larger charge than other cartridges of the same size. And, of course, there were his appearances on Friends as “Dr. Sexy looking with a boyish side and a really hot car, living in Hawaii, chasing bad guys, and romancing beautiful women, Magnum was the coolest of the cool.Īfter Magnum PI Selleck continued to land parts in popular, successful films like 3 Men and a Baby, Quigley Down Under, and as “Jesse Stone” in the television movies based on the novels of Robert B.

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He actually made appearances on a couple dozen television series episodes, but he really hit the big time when he landed the role of “Thomas Sullivan Magnum III”. Yes, Virginia, there was Tom Selleck before Magnum, PI.

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